
Tuesday Encouragement

Social Media -  December.png

Tuesday, December 4, 2018:

Today’s quote: “The grass is always looks greener on Social Media 🍃. Always. Please don’t be fooled” This quote is one that always has me chilling in my own lane and not worrying about another person’s. Social media always shows the good of people’s lives while the ugly & bad are hidden and off cameras.

I just want to encourage anyone reading this post. Stop comparing and start focusing on where God has you placed in the season you’re in. Worry about watering and grooming your own grass. I know that sometimes it’s easy to be distracted from the truth of God and be focused on what you wish your life would be like based off what you see. Knowing that God has a plan for your life 🙌🏾 Exercise living your life to the fullest and pushing through the good and bad.

Focus on your grass, family, success, grind 🌿, and don’t allow comparison into your life 🙅🏾‍♀️

Have a blessed day, 
Isabella from Truth By Bella 💕