Have Faith In Yourself


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I’m very excited to share with everyone my little, BIG secret that I Write for Godly Today as a Contributing Writer ✏️ I haven’t given up on writing and God made certain of that! 🙌🏾 I will eventually share more of how God has been working within my life consistently especially when it came to writing for Godly Today and the timing 🙏🏾 Grateful for every opportunity that has been presented before me these past years!

A big thank you to Jamal Miller  and Natasha Ann Miller for sharing their vision and allowing me to be apart of it as a Contributing Writer for Godly Today! 

With that being said, Everyone make sure to check out my article “You Don’t Need Approval... You’re Already Accepted” on GodlyToday.com 🤗

Click On The Title of the Article Above to Directly View My Article

Check out other articles on the website www.godlytoday.com as well. I guarantee you that every article will bless your life! Thank you for your time, Beautiful People 💕 Stay blessed! 

- Isabella, Truth By Bella

Gems Learned In 2018

Released a new podcast episode on the ending of December speaking on some important life lessons I’ve learned within the year of 2018.

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I realized the importance of reflecting and taking notes of some things you have learned within a year. I found myself doing exactly that when I was recording this episodes on Truth By Bella. I allowed the Spirit to speak to me on what was important and needed to be shared with others.

Here’s a preview of it! press play

Tuesday Encouragement

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018:

Today’s quote: “The grass is always looks greener on Social Media 🍃. Always. Please don’t be fooled” This quote is one that always has me chilling in my own lane and not worrying about another person’s. Social media always shows the good of people’s lives while the ugly & bad are hidden and off cameras.

I just want to encourage anyone reading this post. Stop comparing and start focusing on where God has you placed in the season you’re in. Worry about watering and grooming your own grass. I know that sometimes it’s easy to be distracted from the truth of God and be focused on what you wish your life would be like based off what you see. Knowing that God has a plan for your life 🙌🏾 Exercise living your life to the fullest and pushing through the good and bad.

Focus on your grass, family, success, grind 🌿, and don’t allow comparison into your life 🙅🏾‍♀️

Have a blessed day, 
Isabella from Truth By Bella 💕

December, Is That You?


Saturday, December 1st, 2018:

Happy New Month! It’s Finally December 🎄 Know what that means? Christmas is around the corner ☃️
Reflecting back, November was busy month but life lessons filled one. By God’s grace, I’ve been truly thankful for another year added onto my life. Although a lot of people think I am way younger than I am, it’s rare that I take a compliment more of moment of shocks 😂🤦🏾‍♀️. I will never forget my cousin mentioning to me on my birthday that “Isabella, you’ve truly accomplished so much great things for being the age you’re at. Business Graduate and Owner. Better yet, a True Entrepreneur” and also a friend of mine spoke on how he felt like I don’t give myself nor receive enough credit for everything that I do and how proud he was of me 😢👏🏾 •
In those moments, I had a moment of realization 🤔 Yeah, they’re both right! Sometimes I don’t give myself enough credit for so many things I’ve accomplished in life and pulled through. Because honestly all glory and credit belongs to God for guiding and encouraging me to walk in my purpose. My secret is that I pray 🙏🏾 I always find myself encouraging someone that needs to hear whatever needs to be said while I find myself listening in the process because sometimes the encourager needs to be encouraged as well 🤷🏾‍♀️. My story is an unique one that I will share with everyone that’s tuned into Truth By Bella soon 👀! Stay Tuned & Connect

Great Things Are On The Way 🤗 
Love, Isabella from Truth By Bella 💕
📸 By: Adeos Yeboah (@adeosyeboah on IG)